Welcome to KLES PTA (Parent-Teacher Association)!
Become a PTA Member for 2020-2021! Many things are different this year, but our goal remains the same, supporting our parents, teachers, and kids. Here are some highlights:
Sign up here! https://kles-pta-membership-drive-20-21.cheddarup.com
Become a PTA Member for 2020-2021! Many things are different this year, but our goal remains the same, supporting our parents, teachers, and kids. Here are some highlights:
- Follow us on Facebook for reminders, activities, and fun!
- Kendrick Lakes Elementary PTA-Provided welcome back gifts and masks for teacher appreciation in the new school year-Provided snacks for teachers during conference nights
- Hosted Halloween parties in-person and remote through our network of room parents
- Implemented our APEX Mighty event and raised over $18,000 for the new school
Sign up here! https://kles-pta-membership-drive-20-21.cheddarup.com
Students should be picked up promptly when over at the front entrance and will need to be signed out by an adult. All students must register for all classes online. No students will be allowed to come to classes with out being registered on the KLES PTA sign up genius forms. Please note if your student is allowed to walk home in the comments section of the sign up genius.
All NON- PTA Members, please send your $12 donation with your student on the first day of classes
All NON- PTA Members, please send your $12 donation with your student on the first day of classes
Parents! After School Activity Help is Needed - More information and Sign Up HERE
2020 Winter/Spring After School Activities
Please Note: All KLES PTA sponsored activities require each student to bring one box of any type of fruit snacks to donate for snack time at 2:45 p.m. After school activities are free to KLES PTA members, all non-members will need to make a mandatory $12 donation to the PTA. You may pay online at the KLES PTA webpage or bring money on the first class.
View the KLES PTA Calendar of Events for 2018-2019
Updated & Printable Version HERE
- August 17th - Cream (Belmar)
- Sept 26th - The Rock (Belmar)
- Dec 11th - Red Robin (Wads & Eastman)
- Jan 10th - Chic Fil A (Belmar)
- Feb 16th - Skate City
- March 12th - El Tequileno (1535 S Kipling)
- April 10th - Chipotle (145 Union Blvd)
- May 15th - TBD
2018-19 Community Events
Artist's Passport
•Grades: K-5
•Time: 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Starting soon watch for date
•Location: Meet in Gym right after school
•Cost: $94 ($ for early reg)
More information and Sign Up COMING SOON
•Grades: K-5
•Time: 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Starting soon watch for date
•Location: Meet in Gym right after school
•Cost: $94 ($ for early reg)
More information and Sign Up COMING SOON
CoEd Legos w/Mrs. Runyan
•Grades: K-5
•Time: 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
•Date: 3/12
•Location: Meet in Gym right after school
•Cost: No additional Fee
More information and Sign Up HERE
•Grades: K-5
•Time: 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
•Date: 3/12
•Location: Meet in Gym right after school
•Cost: No additional Fee
More information and Sign Up HERE

During the 2016-2017 School Year the
PTA was able to raise enough money to give over $9,000 to classroom libraries, we helped send the 4th graders on a mining field trip and to the museum, 6th grade GT overnight zoo trip, noise canceling headphones for 2nd grade, a sensory
room additions and much more!!
The PTA was also able to put on several events
for the kids, Daughter Dance, Son Bowling,
Movie Night, Intercultural Fair, Science Night, Community Breakfasts, Spaghetti and Spelling
and After School Programs.
PTA was able to raise enough money to give over $9,000 to classroom libraries, we helped send the 4th graders on a mining field trip and to the museum, 6th grade GT overnight zoo trip, noise canceling headphones for 2nd grade, a sensory
room additions and much more!!
The PTA was also able to put on several events
for the kids, Daughter Dance, Son Bowling,
Movie Night, Intercultural Fair, Science Night, Community Breakfasts, Spaghetti and Spelling
and After School Programs.
Choir w/Mrs. Bayert
Grades: 4-6
Time: 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Starting 1/30 until 4/3
•Location: Meet in Gym right after school
•Cost: $10 donation for returning students, $20 donation for new students
More Information and
Sign Up HERE
Advanced Board Games
•Time: 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Starting 1/30 until 4/3
•Location: Meet in Gym right after school
•Cost: Free, non PTA members please consider a $12 donation to the PTA to help cover activity & snacks
More Information and
Sign Up HERE
Chess Club
•Time: 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Starting 1/30 until 4/3
•Location: Meet in Gym right after school
•Cost: Free, non PTA members please consider a $12 donation to the PTA to help cover activity & snacks
More Information and
Sign Up HERE
TAB Club
•Time: 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Starting 1/30 until 4/5
•Location: Meet in Gym right after school
•Cost: Free, non PTA members please consider a $12 donation to the PTA to help cover activity & snacks
More Information and
Sign Up HERE
Tech Club
•Time: 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Starting 1/16 until 5/1
•Location: Meet in Gym right after school
•Cost: $40
Grades: 4-6
Time: 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Starting 1/30 until 4/3
•Location: Meet in Gym right after school
•Cost: $10 donation for returning students, $20 donation for new students
More Information and
Sign Up HERE
Advanced Board Games
•Time: 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Starting 1/30 until 4/3
•Location: Meet in Gym right after school
•Cost: Free, non PTA members please consider a $12 donation to the PTA to help cover activity & snacks
More Information and
Sign Up HERE
Chess Club
•Time: 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Starting 1/30 until 4/3
•Location: Meet in Gym right after school
•Cost: Free, non PTA members please consider a $12 donation to the PTA to help cover activity & snacks
More Information and
Sign Up HERE
TAB Club
•Time: 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Starting 1/30 until 4/5
•Location: Meet in Gym right after school
•Cost: Free, non PTA members please consider a $12 donation to the PTA to help cover activity & snacks
More Information and
Sign Up HERE
Tech Club
•Time: 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Starting 1/16 until 5/1
•Location: Meet in Gym right after school
•Cost: $40
Appex Fun Run
Thank you for your support of Kendrick Lakes Elementary and the investments you make in your children’s lives. We are so excited to introduce you to this semester’s only major fundraiser, the Apex Fun Run! The Apex Fun Run will last for 2 weeks and kicked off with a Pep Rally on Oct 17th.
Please look for your child’s Pledge Kit that they will receive on that day as well as emails from your teachers the following day. Please visit www.apexfunrun.com to hear about this interactive program that helps schools all over the country raise money, while promoting leadership and fitness in the classes. This year’s character theme is Apex United where students will follow Sam, Rob, Wendy, Robin and Luke who together make up the United Squad. We catch up with our characters while the deceiving Mr. E is constantly testing them. With special powers provided by Omega these five friends will truly learn what it means to be united along with a surprise none of them saw coming.
During the Apex Fun Run, students are challenged to get pledges for the laps they will run on 10/27/17 to help their school. Students will run for 30 minutes and average 26-36 laps, with the maximum amount of laps being 36 (each lap is 1/16th of a mile). Sponsors can pledge $1, $2, $5 or any other amount for each lap students run. All participants will receive an access code that allows you to enter pledges online. Funds raised this year will be going to the school to pay for classroom technology.
The Apex Fun Run is for every student regardless of financial giving. All students will receive Apex bands, race-day lap counters, and team awards. We invite all parents to come to the Apex Fun Run and share in this great event! The times for the Apex Fun Run are as follows:
● Fun Run 1: Oct. 27th K-3 8:30-9:30
● Fun Run 2: Oct. 27th 4-6 1:00-2:00
For parents: https://vimeo.com/224399946 you can help our school be successful in the following four ways:
● Help connect your child to potential sponsors (family/friends) to acquire pledges.
● Ask your child about the “United” character lessons, and download the “Apex Fun Run” App!
● Come to the Apex Fun Run and don’t forget to invite others to attend our fun-filled community event on our field.
● Help volunteer for the race! We need a few parents to help cheer on students and mark laps. If you would like to volunteer for your student’s race, please contact KLES PTA at [email protected].
Thank you for your support of Kendrick Lakes Elementary and the investments you make in your children’s lives. We are so excited to introduce you to this semester’s only major fundraiser, the Apex Fun Run! The Apex Fun Run will last for 2 weeks and kicked off with a Pep Rally on Oct 17th.
Please look for your child’s Pledge Kit that they will receive on that day as well as emails from your teachers the following day. Please visit www.apexfunrun.com to hear about this interactive program that helps schools all over the country raise money, while promoting leadership and fitness in the classes. This year’s character theme is Apex United where students will follow Sam, Rob, Wendy, Robin and Luke who together make up the United Squad. We catch up with our characters while the deceiving Mr. E is constantly testing them. With special powers provided by Omega these five friends will truly learn what it means to be united along with a surprise none of them saw coming.
During the Apex Fun Run, students are challenged to get pledges for the laps they will run on 10/27/17 to help their school. Students will run for 30 minutes and average 26-36 laps, with the maximum amount of laps being 36 (each lap is 1/16th of a mile). Sponsors can pledge $1, $2, $5 or any other amount for each lap students run. All participants will receive an access code that allows you to enter pledges online. Funds raised this year will be going to the school to pay for classroom technology.
The Apex Fun Run is for every student regardless of financial giving. All students will receive Apex bands, race-day lap counters, and team awards. We invite all parents to come to the Apex Fun Run and share in this great event! The times for the Apex Fun Run are as follows:
● Fun Run 1: Oct. 27th K-3 8:30-9:30
● Fun Run 2: Oct. 27th 4-6 1:00-2:00
For parents: https://vimeo.com/224399946 you can help our school be successful in the following four ways:
● Help connect your child to potential sponsors (family/friends) to acquire pledges.
● Ask your child about the “United” character lessons, and download the “Apex Fun Run” App!
● Come to the Apex Fun Run and don’t forget to invite others to attend our fun-filled community event on our field.
● Help volunteer for the race! We need a few parents to help cheer on students and mark laps. If you would like to volunteer for your student’s race, please contact KLES PTA at [email protected].
Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday
of the Month in the School Library
Regular PTA from 6-7:00 p.m.
Accountability Team from 7-8:00 p.m.
NEXT MEETING: September 19th
View Agendas Dinner and babysitting is provided
of the Month in the School Library
Regular PTA from 6-7:00 p.m.
Accountability Team from 7-8:00 p.m.
NEXT MEETING: September 19th
View Agendas Dinner and babysitting is provided
Welcome to KLES PTA (Parent-Teacher Association)!
Interested in joining the PTA? Please take a moment to learn more about the PTA and how you can be a part of it! We'd love to have you as a member and don't worry, your level of commitment is up to you.
Please read our President's 2017 Welcome letter and consider joining to show your support! PTA forms can be found at the school in the black tower next to the PTA box or sign-up online.
To sign up for emails from KLES PTA complete and return this form. You can also let us know if you are interested in volunteering for events held by the PTA throughout the year by completing this form.
Thank you for your interest!
Interested in joining the PTA? Please take a moment to learn more about the PTA and how you can be a part of it! We'd love to have you as a member and don't worry, your level of commitment is up to you.
Please read our President's 2017 Welcome letter and consider joining to show your support! PTA forms can be found at the school in the black tower next to the PTA box or sign-up online.
To sign up for emails from KLES PTA complete and return this form. You can also let us know if you are interested in volunteering for events held by the PTA throughout the year by completing this form.
Thank you for your interest!
Download the KLES App!
With it, you can access event calendars, class information,lunch menus, bell schedules, district information, fundraisers, volunteer opportunities, and receive important announcements and friendly reminders about what’s happening at our school. Don't forget to accept push notifications so that you receive our text alerts! Get it on iTunes OR GooglePlay
With it, you can access event calendars, class information,lunch menus, bell schedules, district information, fundraisers, volunteer opportunities, and receive important announcements and friendly reminders about what’s happening at our school. Don't forget to accept push notifications so that you receive our text alerts! Get it on iTunes OR GooglePlay
We recognize that as parents, one of our biggest and most important
jobs is the education of our children, and we know that the entire
Kendrick Lakes Community stands ready to help us with the task.
Apex Fun Run
is our biggest annual fundraiser
Learn more HERE
What is PTA Reflections Art Program?
PTA Reflections Art Program is a national student recognition program to encourage artistic creativity in the classroom and at home. Watch this video for more info.
The theme this year is "What is your story?"
Students are encouraged to create original works of art reflecting the theme in one of the six categories:
Visual Arts
Film Production
Students must follow the official rules as well as the entry requirements for each category. ALL students and ABILITIES are encouraged to enter. Turn in dates are Tuesday, October 11th and Wednesday, October 12th form 8:00 am to 8:30 am in the Art hallway. An Art show will held exhibiting ALL entries on Thursday, October 20th from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the Art Hallway. Winners will move onto the county level with a County Art Show to be held at Red Rocks Community College in December. Rules and entry forms are available in a folder by the PTA box or contact Janet Wehri at [email protected].
PTA Reflections Art Program is a national student recognition program to encourage artistic creativity in the classroom and at home. Watch this video for more info.
The theme this year is "What is your story?"
Students are encouraged to create original works of art reflecting the theme in one of the six categories:
Visual Arts
Film Production
Students must follow the official rules as well as the entry requirements for each category. ALL students and ABILITIES are encouraged to enter. Turn in dates are Tuesday, October 11th and Wednesday, October 12th form 8:00 am to 8:30 am in the Art hallway. An Art show will held exhibiting ALL entries on Thursday, October 20th from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the Art Hallway. Winners will move onto the county level with a County Art Show to be held at Red Rocks Community College in December. Rules and entry forms are available in a folder by the PTA box or contact Janet Wehri at [email protected].
Labels for Education!

Look for these labels on your regularly purchased items to help support your school!
Boxtops for Education!

Save these label and get $$ for our school!
Stay tuned for more to come.....
Save Money and Support our School with these Deals!
Even during the summer you can still support
KLES PTA - see how here!
KLES PTA - see how here!
KLES PTA holds many fun events for families throughout the year. View the entire calendar for 2015-2016.
Keep checking our
Events & Activities Page
Events & Activities Page
The Facilities Master Plan Community Meeting for the Alameda area is June 9th. This plan SIGNIFICANTLY impacts Kendrick Lakes Elementary School. Please stay informed and be a part of the conversation. Make you voice heard!
Find Master Plan HERE
Alameda Articulation Area is found on pages 17-21.
Other ways to make your voice heard are:
June 8th the other community forums will be at
Bear Creek 8-10am and Wheat Ridge HS from 6pm-8pm.
Attend the Board of Education meetings to discuss the plan at the
Jeffco Ed Center on June 14th at 5:30 and June 16th.
The Board would like to hear from you, take the survey on Jeffco home page or here:https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JeffcoFMP.
Find Master Plan HERE
Alameda Articulation Area is found on pages 17-21.
Other ways to make your voice heard are:
June 8th the other community forums will be at
Bear Creek 8-10am and Wheat Ridge HS from 6pm-8pm.
Attend the Board of Education meetings to discuss the plan at the
Jeffco Ed Center on June 14th at 5:30 and June 16th.
The Board would like to hear from you, take the survey on Jeffco home page or here:https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JeffcoFMP.
Science Extravaganza Info!
Come help us celebrate STEM learning on Thursday, April 28 from 5-7 pm as we turn Kendrick Lakes Elementary into a hands on science museum! Kids and teachers are developing "exhibits" for the classrooms and there will be other fun hands on experiments and demonstrations to try. If you have questions or would like to help, please contact Tori Rommel at [email protected] or 720-256-3920
Find more detailed info here.
Come help us celebrate STEM learning on Thursday, April 28 from 5-7 pm as we turn Kendrick Lakes Elementary into a hands on science museum! Kids and teachers are developing "exhibits" for the classrooms and there will be other fun hands on experiments and demonstrations to try. If you have questions or would like to help, please contact Tori Rommel at [email protected] or 720-256-3920
Find more detailed info here.
October 31, 2014
October 24, 2014
October 10, 2014
October 3, 2014
September 26, 2014
October 24, 2014
October 10, 2014
October 3, 2014
September 26, 2014
After School Activities
KLES PTA uses Love Your School donations to pay 50% of the registration fees for KLES PTA sponsored after school activities. See activities here.
KLES PTA uses Love Your School donations to pay 50% of the registration fees for KLES PTA sponsored after school activities. See activities here.
KLES Science Fair Scientists, start your wondering!!
From the youngest student to the oldest, KLES is full of curious minds—should yours be thinking about the Science Fair? The Science Fair is a chance to investigate something you are curious about. The fair is on Thursday, April 9th.
Find more detailed information here.
Contact Tori Rommel at [email protected] or 303-989-9109 if you have any questions. See you at the Fair!
From the youngest student to the oldest, KLES is full of curious minds—should yours be thinking about the Science Fair? The Science Fair is a chance to investigate something you are curious about. The fair is on Thursday, April 9th.
Find more detailed information here.
Contact Tori Rommel at [email protected] or 303-989-9109 if you have any questions. See you at the Fair!
A permission slip must be completed in order for your child to participate. Permission slips are due on the first day of class.
Fridays are school
Spirits Days - wear your
KLES Logo Wear!!
Want to stay informed by don't
want all the paper?
Please take a moment to fill out the survey form to the right, choosing from one of the options below:
Option 1 - I'd like to continue getting everything by paper.
Option 2 - I'd like to still get forms and important reminders, but I'll look up the newsletters online.
Option 3 - I'd like to stop getting paper all together and I'll refer to the website for information I need.
This will help us determine what you as parents want. Printing less paper will help us save time and money. Thanks for your input!
Option 1 - I'd like to continue getting everything by paper.
Option 2 - I'd like to still get forms and important reminders, but I'll look up the newsletters online.
Option 3 - I'd like to stop getting paper all together and I'll refer to the website for information I need.
This will help us determine what you as parents want. Printing less paper will help us save time and money. Thanks for your input!
2013-2014 School Supply List here
All Parents must update their current Jeffco Connect account after JULY 1st. Please do not create a new account. If you have forgotten your password but know your user name, you may reset your password by going to the “Forgot Password” link at https://jeffcoconnect.jeffco.k12.co.us/Common/ForgotPassword.aspx.
If you have forgotten both your user name and password, please call the main office for assistance. Jeffco Connect Link here.
2013-2014 School Supply List here
All Parents must update their current Jeffco Connect account after JULY 1st. Please do not create a new account. If you have forgotten your password but know your user name, you may reset your password by going to the “Forgot Password” link at https://jeffcoconnect.jeffco.k12.co.us/Common/ForgotPassword.aspx.
If you have forgotten both your user name and password, please call the main office for assistance. Jeffco Connect Link here.
For past Dolphin Quarterly newsletters click here.